Monday, April 20, 2020

BSBLDR803 Role-play Schedule

Group Members
Contact email
22 April, 2020 - Wednesday

Session 1
3.00 to 3.20pm

Session 2
3.20 to 3.40pm
Session 3
3.40 to 4.00pm
Nguyen Phuc Loc
Stella Ifeoma Onyi
Bruno Asato Noguchi
Dang Thi Quynh Nguyen
Session 4
4.00 to 4.20pm
Katherine Ramirez
Paula Ramirez
Martina Vocaturo
Khushbu Nirwan
Session 5
4.20 to 4.40pm
Navjot Singh
Prabhjot Kaur
Nitish Saini
Karan Pandey
Session 6
4.40 to 5pm
23 April, 2020 - Thursday

Session 1
10.00am to 10.20am
Mary Kim
Session 2
10.20am to 10.40am
Ramandeep Singh
Raul Vera
Session 3
10.40am to 11.00am

Session 4
11.00am to 11.20am

Session 5
11.20am to 11.40am

Session 6
2.40 to 3pm

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Crack the Code – Brainteaser

Can you crack this code?

Worth reading... thought provoking, introspective

Let’s shed away the old decaying skin...

Human life is in constant flux. Anybody who is born on this earth today is bound to perish on a designated day as well. It is not possible to keep the picture of life cast in a single frame away from the ravages of time. Every day brings an opportunity of a new beginning.

Holding on to the past is not advisable as we can not turn the clock and reverse the sequence of events that happened with us in the past. But on a daily basis, we should introspect and ponder over the follies we committed wittingly or unwittingly.

While expanding on the semantics of human life Plato, an erudite Greek scholar states that we should give priority to the qualitative aspect of our life over the quantitive one. He is of the opinion that it is always better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.

Leading a quality life is absolutely in the hands of human beings as nature has not given this privilege to cogitate to the animals. Only the humans have been endowed with this faculty of contemplation and deep delectations.  From time to time snakes too shed their old decaying skin and replace it with fresh skin. Therefore, every day with the crack of the dawn arrives an occasion to shed away our old skin that reeks of the stench of enmity, hatred, greed and jealousy and to replace it with the fresh skin of universal love, brotherhood, compassion and positive attitude.

There is indeed a deep symbolism in the snake analogy which brings home the message that we need to ponder over the past and alter our attitude to life. Undeniably it is our attitude that determines our altitude. So, let us learn to live for others by lifting the fallen, restoring the broken and healing the wounded. There is a dire need to bring the change within. The changes at the surface level with the aid of the cosmetics are neither needed nor do they last long. It is futile to visit a temple with a vengeful heart. Let our inner life force be our temple and act as a lighthouse with the help of which we can behold truth, beauty and good all around. Those who understand this simple mantra, they not only set an example for others but their own lives become absolutely blissful also.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Howard Rheingold: The new power of collaboration | TED Talk

Joining instructions for Role-play

Joining instructions for Role-play - ASSESSMENT 3- Practical Application Part B: Participate in a professional networking meeting (Role-play)

You Expect Me to do WHAT? TALK to People?
JUST THE FACTS: Traditional networking (talking to people) can be a pretty frightening activity. In fact, it can be so overwhelming for some that they may never attempt it! This activity will allow participants to initiate the three Ps (prepare, practice, and pull yourself together!) to overcome any fear of networking.

 20 minutes

Traditional networking involves talking to people. For some this may be an easy activity, while for others it may be scary and uncomfortable.
According to Lara Zielin, the author of Make Things Happen: The Key to Networking for
Teens, to avoid feeling nervous or scared when networking, try THE THREE Ps: prepare, practice, and pull yourself together! She says, “By doing your best to accomplish each of the Ps, you’ll have a good chance of overcoming [any] obstacles and eliminating fear when you network.”

What do you need to Prepare, Practice and Pull yourself together?
     1.      Form a group of 4 or 5 classmates;
     2.      Identify the role of each participant (preferably in a related/connected industry). For example, an          accountant, banker, tax agent and a business owner;
     3.    Appoint a representative of your group to email me your group name and session that you select          (sessions 1 to 12 of 20 minutes each);
     4.      Prepare a 30-second elevator pitch about yourself and your organisation;
     5.      After all the members have completed the elevator pitch, discuss to explore prospective                
            partnership arrangement (something that would mutually benefit you and your organistion);
     6.      At the end of the session, each participant has about 2 minutes to identify ONE organisation to      
           explain how you may work together in partnership

What would you do during the role-play?
1.         You will be representing your selected organization at the network meeting
2.         You will meet and greet other invited members
3.         During the formal part of the networking meeting, you will be required to introduce yourself and your organization (elevator pitch of 30seconds) to the whole group.
4.         After the formal introductions, you will be required to identify and discuss with any ONE organization with which you can form a partnership in the future to grow your business further.
5.         Each participant has to speak for about 2 minutes to identify ONE organisation to explain how you may work together in partnership

Your trainer will observe you during the role-play and write his comments about your participation based on the following:
      a.      Good introduction
      b.      Confident delivery
      c.       Good body language
      d.      Satisfactory overall

Available sessions:

22 April, 2020 Thursday 3pm to 5pm - you may select Session 1 to Session 6;

23 April, 2020 Thursday 1pm to 3pm - you may select Session 7 to Session 12.

Important Partnership Guides for review